Project Types

When applying for resources, you can choose between different project types. If you are unsure which project type fits your needs, take a look at the overview which compares our two project types.

Project Comparison
Characteristics SimpleVM OpenStack
Starting Virtual Machines
Attaching Volumes
SSH Access
Remote Desktop with a few clicks
High Configurability (espacially network configuration)
Use of Cloud Computing technologies (e.g Kubernetes, Spark, Hadoop)
Use of Object Storage
API Access (e.g for starting virutal machines using REST-API)
One-click workshops

SimpleVM is our project type that best suits your needs if you are not familiar with Cloud Computing and do not want to deal with network configurations or scale your computations on multiple virtual machines in parallel.
SimpleVM offers the possibility of access via a remote desktop (e.g. Guacamole, RStudio) instead of a terminal, which is comfortable for users who want to use programs with graphical interfaces.

The OpenStack project type is intended for the user who wants high configurability as well as easy scaling and expansion of their resources. Other Cloud Computing technologies, like Kubernetes and BibiGrid, can be used in combination with OpenStack for easy scaling in horizontal (larger machines) and vertical (more machines) matter.

If you are not sure which type of project best suits your requirements or if you have further questions, contact us via

Learn more about SimpleVM and OpenStack on their specific explanation pages.