
What is OpenStack?

OpenStack is a free and open-source cloud operating system launched in 2010 which gives the user fine-grained control of computing resources. Virtual machines, network and storage settings can be managed through a browser based dashboard. For more information take a look at the OpenStack website.

What are typical use cases?

Distributed Workflows - Distribution of workflows on multiple virtual machines

Services - The ability to offer services for other researchers

Kubernetes - Use the container orchestration system, e.g. for the automation of application deployment

BibiGrid - Tool for easy cluster setup

Workflow Engines - In combination with tools like BiBiGrid you can use any workflow engine for accelerating your analysis, e.g. CWL, SnakeMake or Nextflow

Why should you choose OpenStack as your de.NBI Cloud project type?



OpenStack allows the configuration of any resource type available, such as virtual machines, network, block and object storage.



Easy scaling of virtual machines and distribution of data for efficient computations


API Access

Any interaction with OpenStack can be automated via its API enabling users to script actions, e.g. starting and stopping of virtual machines.

If you want to compare our OpenStack project type with our other project types, take a look here.