[de.NBI Cloud Tuebingen Production] Farwell Max

22.11.2021 - 11:58
Dear users of the de.NBI Cloud Tübingen, we would like to inform you that Max is no longer available for the de.NBI Cloud Project leaving academia by the end of the month. We would like to thank Max for the great years in this project. He build the de.NBI Cloud Tübingen from scratch and had a significant part in making it such a success. He supported most of you with your small and large request, always helpful to find a timely solution. Thank you Max and all the best! From now on the first contact person for questions and problems is Fabian Paz (fabian.paz@uni-tuebingen), as well as Jens Krüger (jens.krueger@uni-tuebingen.de). Sincerly, your remaining de.NBI Cloud Team Tübingen