[de.NBI Cloud Bielefeld - Production] [LAST REMINDER] Coordinated instance reboots/Downtime on February 13th 2023

10.02.2023 - 13:09
[LAST REMINDER] Dear de.NBI Cloud Bielefeld user, Unfortunately, the short network outage last December had a lasting effect on a large number of volume attachments. While some of these have successfully been repaired on user request by invoking selective instance reboots, many other volume connections are still nonfunctional. To resolve all remaining issues, we have to schedule a coordinated reboot and maintenance of large parts of the infrastructure which will also cause the reboot of ALL running instances: --- Monday, February 13th, 2023 from 10:00 until 16:00 CET --- Please shut off your instances before this time frame and start them again after we announce the completion of this maintenance operation. de.NBI Cloud Bielefeld