
DRS course Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for the foodborne pathogen surveillance and outbreak investigation

We are delighted to use de.NBI cloud more than one year. We are very positive to the reliable service, excellent management and support to keep running our requested VM. For analysing whole genome data de.NBI is an excellent opportunity for every scientist in a project but missing own HPC. As well as the general possibility to work on a project with als partners are great. Our bioinformaticians truely love to work with de.NBI. Read more ...

Genomics and Metagenomics of Leaf Microbiome

The de.NBI Cloud provides an accessible, and adaptable environment that we have utilized for tasks such as de novo genome assembly, functional annotation, comparative genomic analyses and Amplicon Sequencing analysis. Read more ...

Studying the dynamics of m6A modifications in mouse brain

Thanks to de.NBI cloud service, we can easily deal with the computationally demanding data analysis of our project. There are many great things about the service: you can tailor the computational setup to your needs, and the connectivity is really solid and fast. On top of that, de.NBI offers an outstanding support service, which quickly responded to my questions and helped me many times in order to ensure smooth working with my cloud instances. Read more ...

Interactions in the bacterial pathobiome associated with crown gall disease: coexistence or competition?

The de.NBI cloud provided us with the easy accessible and scalable working environment which we could freely adapt to serve our research needs. When necessary, the de.NBI support team provided us with prompt assistance. Taken together, de.NBI cloud have proven to be indispensable for our bioinformatics analyses, and enabled planning of new research projects. Read more ...

SPAAM Summer School 2023: Introduction to Ancient Metagenomics

The workshop functionality of de.NBI Cloud has been extremely helpful in maximising the accessibility of a global cohort students to consistent software environments to ensure everyone starts on a level playing field. In particular the desktop environments accessible through a web-browser were a great help due to a large number of students with limited command-line experience. Read more ...

Computational solutions from data science and machine learning to solve biomedical problems

Our research focuses on developing computational solutions from data science and machine learning to solve biomedical problems. In addition, we aim to develop new methods and algorithms, e.g., for analyzing (meta-)genomic and (meta-)transcriptomic data of microorganisms Read more ...

de.NBI Cloud in teaching

Through all of these projects, we have greatly appreciated the interaction with the de.NBI cloud team who has provided tremendous support and responded quickly to various demands for extensions and provided constant expertise to set up the infrastructure. Read more ...

Plant Breeding Driven by Big Data Analysis

Plant Breeding is a big numbers game. To enable breeding progress for complex traits like yield and stress tolerance in crop plants, integrated analyses of multi-omics and digitized phenomics data from large plant populations grown in multiple field studies are required. The de.NBI cloud is a great resource which is helping us to extract meaning from large noisy and heterogenous data sets for predicting yield and quality traits from genotypes of crop plants. Read more ...

de.NBI Cloud enables Next Generation Plant Science

We integrate genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic data of multiple plant species to decipher specialized biosynthesis networks. Plants produce a plethora of specialized metabolites. Understanding the complex connections of biosynthesis pathways requires the analysis of large data sets. Read more ...