
[de.NBI Cloud Giessen] Planned downtime 02/28 - 03/03

01.03.2023 - 07:31
Maintenance downtime in Giessen from Tueday, 02/28/2023, 17:00 CET to Friday, 03/03/2023, approx. 20:00 CET The end date is tentative and depends on the progress of the cooling system maintenance. Unfortunately we do not have a concrete schedule yet. We will send a notification as soon as the serv… Read more...

[de.NBI Cloud Giessen] Network mainteinance on 03/05/22

01.03.2022 - 08:21
Dear de.NBI cloud user, our datacenter is performing a maintenance of the core network infrastructure on next saturday, 03/05/22. This will affect the internet connectivity of the de.NBI cloud. Access to virtual machines will not be possible, and access from virtual machines to the internet is als… Read more...