
Upgrade infrastructure of de.NBI Cloud site Tübingen on 19,12,2022

14.12.2022 - 11:32
Dear de.NBI Cloud users of the de.NBI Cloud site Tübingen, We are delighted to inform you that we would like to upgrade our infrastructure for new features and more stability. This upgrade will start on Monday, 19.12.2022, at 10:00 CEST and plan to finish by Thursday, 22.12.2022, at 17:00 CEST Du… Read more...

[de.NBI Cloud Tuebingen Production] Cloud User Meeting 6th-7th December 2022

18.11.2022 - 13:28
Dear de.NBI users, de.NBI is pleased to host the Cloud User Meeting in person in Jülich again this year between December 6 and 7. There will be many exciting presentations from experienced users of the cloud and workshops for both new and experienced users. It is also a unique chance to talk to de… Read more...

[de.NBI Cloud Tuebingen Production] Region Two Quobyte Maintenance

19.10.2022 - 10:19
Dear de.NBI Cloud Users in Tübingen, we are experiencing some performance and availability issues in Region Two Quobyte that we are in the process of fixing. Some volumes may be affected from this issue. The maintenance is expected to take only this day. If you continue to observe errors or poor p… Read more...

[de.NBI Cloud Tuebingen Production] Fixed authentification problems on the Openstack Dashboard

22.09.2022 - 15:14
Dear de.NBI Cloud Users in Tübingen, we were able to identify and solve the problem. You should be able to log in to our dashboard again. If you still observe problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. On behalf of the de.NBI Cloud team Tübingen, Fabian Paz Read more...

[de.NBI Cloud Tuebingen Production] Authentification problems on the Openstack Dashboard

22.09.2022 - 12:11
Dear Cloud Users in Tübingen, we are sorry to inform you that we are currently experiencing authentication issues in our Cloud Dashboard, which is preventing our users from being able to log in to https://denbi.uni-tuebingen.de/. We are already troubleshooting and looking for suitable solutions to… Read more...