Graph database of biological functional units


For nearly a year, our diligent and dedicated team has been diligently leveraging the full capabilities of the OpenStack on de.NBI Cloud service. This highly robust, scalable, and dependable platform has played a crucial role in fostering the continuous advancement of our cutting-edge web tool.

With this efficient and user-friendly tool readily available at our fingertips, we can effortlessly visualize, explore, and meticulously analyze the intricate network of diverse biological entities. This empowers us to push the boundaries of both bulk and single cell analysis, unlocking new opportunities for connected insights.

Time and time again, the de.NBI Cloud service has consistently exceeded our expectations, providing an unparalleled level of performance and reliability. Its stability and responsiveness have seamlessly facilitated our research journey, allowing us to move forward with confidence. What truly sets this service apart is the exceptional level of support we receive from their dedicated help desk, which ensures that we are never left stranded in our pursuit of knowledge.

Their knowledgeable and friendly staff is always available to assist us every step of the way, offering valuable guidance and prompt resolution to any issues we may encounter. All of these incredible features are offered completely free of charge, making it an invaluable resource for academic purposes. Having access to such a sophisticated and reliable cloud service has provided us with the tools we need to advance scientific knowledge and make meaningful contributions to our respective fields.

We are truly at a loss for words to express the depth of our gratitude for the de.NBI Cloud service. It has become an indispensable asset in our academic endeavors, contributing to our success and further fueling our passion for exploration and discovery.

Dilmurat Yusuf
Dilmurat Yusuf from Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik, Institut für Informatik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität